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Miniforge Installation Guide

Miniforge is a minimal installer for conda specifically designed to install conda itself along with its dependencies and a small number of external packages. It is an alternative to Miniconda and Anaconda that uses conda-forge as the default channel.

Step 1: Download Miniforge

Visit the Miniforge GitHub releases page to download the installer suitable for your system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).

Choose the correct installer for your system:

  • For Windows: Miniforge3-Windows-x86_64.exe


  1. Run the downloaded executable.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

Step 2: Verify Miniforge Installation

1.Open the Miniforge Prompt


2.Verify the installation:

  • Type the following command to check if conda is installed correctly:

    conda --version


Step 3: Follow Guide to Install CoastSeg in Miniforge Prompt

1.Follow the rest of the guide to install CoastSeg in Miniforge Prompt here

  • Below are a few screenshots that should show you how installing CoastSeg in MiniForge should look

install conda in miniforge

install coastseg from conda forge