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Sign Up for Google Earth Engine

In order to use CoastSeg you must create a google cloud project with the Google Earth Engine API enabled. This guide will walk you through how to create a cloud project and register it for the first time. You can read more here about signing up for google earth engine.

Step 1: Register



Step 2:


Step 3: Create Project

  1. Create a project and name it.
  2. Scroll to the bottom and click the link to accept the terms

3_create_project alt text

Step 4: Pop Up

When you click the link to accept the terms a pop up will open. Click agree and then click the button to continue


Step 5: Confirm

  1. Once you accept go back to the page you were on for step 3.
  2. Confirm the project information


Step 6: Finish Registering the Project

success registered new project

After you click confirm the GEE console will open. Close it. We will not be using it.


Step 7: Open the Google Cloud Console

Visit the google console homepage

Click your the project you registered in the console.

select project in console

Step 8: Verify the Google Earth Engine API is Enabled

Follw the guide the Verify GEE API is Enabled

Step 9: Open the Notebook

  1. Open the notebook
conda activate coastseg
cd <location you installed CoastSeg>
jupyter lab SDS_coastsat_classifier.ipynb
  1. Enter in your project ID

My ID is 'ee-sf2309', but enter the id you entered with your email, then run the cell

initialize_gee(auth_mode = "notebook",project='ee-sf2309')

gee id in notebook side by side