Download Settings Guide
- Select the start and end date to download imagery between
- You can change these and click download imagery to download more imagery for same ROI(s)
- To only download imagery for certain months hit the check boxes
- These months are saved in the 'months_list' to the right as the month number (eg. 1 for January etc.)
Cloud Masking¶
You can switch off cloud masking so that the images saved in 'Coastseg/data/
/jpg_files\preprocessed\RGB' don't have the cloud mask applied -
You can turn on/off cloud masks when extracting shoreline too
Example of Masked Out Clouds
Cloud Threshold¶
- This controls the maximum percentage of clouds allowed in the downloaded images
Percentage Bad Pixels¶
- This controls the maximum percentage of bad pixels (cloud and no data combined) allowed in the downloaded images
Resumable Downloads¶
To resume a partial download follow the following steps:
1.Click Load Session
2.Navigate to the 'CoastSeg/data' and load an ROI
3.Modify the date range, months list, or percentage of bad pixel settings
4.Click save settings
5.Click Download Imagery
In this screenshot you can see some images were skipped due to the cloud cover exceeded the maxmium percentage of clouds allowed set by the 'cloud thresh' settings
In this screenshot you can see that for L8 21 images were available to download but 7 already had been downloaded so only 14 were remaining to download